Jesus - Иисус


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  1. Иисус - это Его имя  [His Name is Jesus] - (Имя Иисус означает "Яхве спасает". В Назарянине спасение, обещанное Израилю, явилось во всей своей красе) - [PDF]
  2. Раскрытые тайны [Mysteries Revealed in Jesus] - (Ранее скрытые тайны Божьи раскрываются в Иисусе из Назарета, и особенно в его Смерти и Воскресении) - {PDF}
  3. Только Иисус [Only Jesus] - (Иисус - это тот, в ком Бог открывает еврейские Священные писания, раскрывает Свою природу и тайны и осуществляет Свой искупительный план для человечества) - {PDF}
  4. Xристос воскресе! [Christ is Risen!] - (Павел закрепил все, что совершил Бог, в воскресении Иисуса, которое также положило начало Мессианской эре - Галатам 1:1-5) - {PDF}
  5. Сын Давида [Son of David] - (Иисус - сын Давида и наследник Мессианского престола, возлюбленный Сын Божий и страдающий слуга Яхве) - {PDF}
  6. Страдающий слуга [Suffering Servant] - (Павел учил верующих думать так, как думал Иисус, когда жертвовал своей жизнью ради других - Филиппийцам 2:5-11) - {Скачать PDF-файл}
  7. Исполнение в Иисусе [Fulfilled in Jesus] - (Обетования еврейской Библии исполняются Сыном Божьим и Мессией Израиля, Иисусом из Назарета) - {Скачать PDF-файл}
  8. Слава Божья [Glory of God] - (С тех пор как Слово стало плотью, Божественная Слава проявилась в Иисусе из Назарета, и все, кто следует за ним, видят это – Иоанна 1:14) - {PDF}
  9. Свет и жизнь - [Light and Life] - (Иисус - единственный истинный Светоч Мира, и его свет сияет еще ярче среди тьмы, царящей в наше время. Все конкурирующие утверждения ложны) - {PDF}
  10. Слово, ставшее плотью - [Word Made Flesh] -  (Иисус – это Логос, ставший плотью, истинная Скиния, где открывается Слава Божья, и Тот, кто открывает Благодать и Истину - Иоанна 1:14) -  {PDF}
  11. Видеть Бога - [Seeing God] -  (Иисус - это ключ, который открывает еврейские Писания, библейские пророчества и тайны Божьи. Только Он открывает Отца) -  {PDF}
  12. Полнота Божья - [Fullness of Go] -  (Полнота, благодать и истина Божья заключены только в Слове, ставшем плотью, а именно в Иисусе из Назарета - Иоанна 1:14-18) -  {PDF}

  1. The Anointed Son - (Jesus is the anointed Son of God. From the start, his life was characterized by the empowering presence of the Spirit) - {PDF Copy}
  2. His Name is Jesus - (The name Jesus means ‘Yahweh saves.’ In the Nazarene, the salvation promised to Israel has arrived in all its glory) - {PDF Copy}
  3. The Unrecognized Savior - (Jesus is revealed as the Savior of Mankind in his sufferings and self-sacrificial death for others, including his enemies) - {PDF Copy}
  4. Lord and Messiah - (The New Testament applies messianic promises from the Psalms to Christ’s present reign. He is the Lord and our Messiah!) - {PDF Copy}
  5. Life-Giving Spirit - (Jesus dispenses the Life-Giving Spirit without which there is no enduring life. His words are spirit, and they are life) - {PDF Copy}
  6. Servant of the LORD - (At his baptism in the Jordan, the voice from heaven identified Jesus as the Son of God and the Servant of Yahweh) - {PDF Copy}
  7. The Son of Man - (The one like a Son of Man in Daniel is the source of Christ’s self-designation as the Son of Man and his authority to reign) -{PDF Copy}
  8. God has Spoken! - (God has spoken His definitive word in His Son. All previous words given by the prophets were preparatory, promissory, and partial) - {PDF Copy}
  9. Superior to the Angels - (Having purified sins, the Jesus of Nazareth inherited a more excellent name than even the angels of God - namely - Son) - {PDF Copy}
  10. The Son of Abraham - (Jesus is the Son of Abraham and the heir of the promises, the One who fulfills and implements the inheritance for his people) - {PDF Copy}
  11. The Son of David - (Jesus is the son of David and heir to the Messianic Throne, the beloved Son of God, and the Suffering Servant of Yahweh) - {PDF Copy}
  12. Rend the Heavens! - (The Spirit of God and the voice from heaven confirmed the calling and identity of Jesus – Son, Messiah, and Servant of the LORD) - {PDF Copy}
  13. His Exceptional Kingdom - (Jesus proclaimed a new reality, the Kingdom of God, and it bears little resemblance to the political systems of this evil age) - {PDF Copy}
  14. Mysteries Revealed - (The previously hidden mysteries of God are revealed in Jesus of Nazareth, and especially in his Death and Resurrection) - {PDF Copy}
  15. Living and Life-Giving - (Jesus is the Word made flesh in whom the glory of God is revealed, the same word by which God created all things) - {PDF Copy}
  16. The Word Made Flesh - (The fullness, grace, and truth of God are found only in the Word made Flesh, Jesus, who alone has seen the unseen God – John 1:14-18) -{PDF Copy}
  17. The Light of the World - (Jesus is the only true Light of the World, and his light shines all the brighter amidst the darkness that dominates the present age. All competing claims are false) - {PDF Copy}
  18. Jesus is the Center - (Jesus is the key that unlocks the Hebrew Scriptures and reveals the nature and redemptive purposes of the God of Israel) - {PDF Copy}
  19. God's Fullness - (The fullness, grace, and truth of God are found only in the Word made Flesh, namely, Jesus of Nazareth) - {PDF Copy}
  20. Tabernacling Among Us - (Jesus is the Greater Tabernacle in whom the presence and glory of God reside and manifest for all men to behold – John 1:14) - {PDF Copy}
  21. The Divine Glory - (Ever since the Word became flesh, the Divine Glory has been manifested in Jesus of Nazareth and all who follow him behold it – John 1:14) - {PDF Copy}
  22. The Suffering Servant - (Disciples are summoned to adopt the same mind that Jesus had when he poured out his life unto death for the sake of others – Philippians 2:5-11) - {PDF Copy}
  23. Fulfilled in Him - (The promises of the Hebrew Bible are fulfilled in the Son of God and Messiah of Israel, Jesus of Nazareth) - {PDF Copy}
  24. The Final Temple - (Jesus is the True and Final Sanctuary in which the glory of Yahweh dwells, the substance foreshadowed by the ancient Temple – John 2:13-22) - {PDF Copy}
  25. The Human High Priest - (The Son qualified to become our High Priest forevermore by participating fully in human nature, including suffering and mortality) - {PDF Copy}
  26. Merciful High Priest - (Jesus is well-equipped to be our faithful and sympathetic High Priest, having participated fully in humanity’s deadly plight) - {PDF Copy}
  27. Seeing God - (Jesus is the interpretive key that unlocks the Hebrew Scriptures, Bible prophecy, and the Mysteries of God. He alone reveals the Father) - {PDF Copy}

Sunrise Photo by Terry Tan De Hao on Unsplash
[Sunrise Photo by Terry Tan De Hao on Unsplash]


Lord and Messiah

پیام انجیل – The Gospel Message