Teachings - Его Учение
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- Величие в Его Царстве - [Greatness in His Kingdom] - (Чтобы быть гражданином Царства Божьего, требуется жизнь, полная самоотверженного служения другим, а не власти над ними – Марка 10:35-45) - {PDF}
- Миссия - (Миссия Церкви до возвращения Иисуса состоит в том, чтобы возвещать Благую весть о Его Царстве всем народам – Матфея 24:14) - {PDF}
- Последний знак - (Согласно Иисусу. конец не наступит до тех пор, пока Евангелие Царства Божьего не будет провозглашено всем народам – Матфея 24:14) - {PDF}
- Несущий Свой Крест [Carrying His Cross] - (Миссия Мессии включала в себя страдания и смерть за других, и он призвал своих учеников следовать тем же путем, что и Он - Марка 8:31) - {PDF}
- Ransom for Many - (His disciple is called to engage in self-sacrificial service for others just as Jesus gave his life as a ransom for many – Mark 10:35-45) - {PDF Copy}
- Mercy and Enemies - (How we react to hostility and persecution demonstrates exactly whose disciple we are, and whose kingdom we serve) - {PDF Copy}
- The Greater Lawgiver - (In Matthew, Jesus is the Greater Moses who interprets the Law and the Prophets and brings them to fulfillment) - {PDF Copy}
- The Law and Prophets - (Jesus came to fulfill all the things that were promised and foreshadowed in the Hebrew Scriptures, the Law and the Prophets) - {PDF Copy}
- Wise or Foolish? - (At the end of his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus claimed absolute authority for his words. Disciples who ignore them risk his rejection – Matthew 7:21-28) - {PDF Copy}
- Perfected Disciples - (Mercy and love are defining characteristics of his disciples and reflect the true nature of his Father – Matthew 5:43-48) - {PDF Copy}
- Accounted Worthy - (The followers of Jesus are called to rejoice when they are found worthy to suffer for him and his Gospel) - {PDF Copy}
- Sowing Seeds - (The Son of Man sows the seed of the Gospel in the world where it grows continually into the Kingdom of God until his return – Mark 4:1-20) - {PDF Copy}
- Kingdom Parables - (Jesus taught several parables concerning the Kingdom, its paradoxical growth, and its status in the world - Mark 4:21-34) - {PDF Copy}
- Persecution and Suffering - (When disciples react to hostility with hostility, whether by government, society, or individuals, Satan triumphs) - {PDF Copy}
- Following Jesus - (Jesus submitted to a shameful death on the Cross and summons his disciples to follow his example and path) - {PDF Copy}
- Salvation for a Lost World - (The Good News announced by Jesus of Nazareth offers salvation and true life to men and women of every nation and people) - {PDF Copy}
- The Message - (Jesus summoned his disciples to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to every inhabited corner of the Earth) - {PDF Copy}
- His Return - (The arrival of Jesus will mark the end of the present order and the commencement of the age to come, the resurrection of the dead, and the New Creation) - {PDF Copy}
- On the Clouds - (The whole planet will see the Son of Man arriving on the clouds of Heaven when he comes to gather his elect to himself –Mark 13:21-27) - {PDF Copy}
- Suffering for Him - (To follow Jesus requires the willingness to suffer for his sake, and enduring persecution is the highest honor imaginable in his Kingdom) - {PDF Copy}
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[Lighthouse Photo by Marcus Woodbridge on Unsplash] |