Wise or Foolish?
Jesus claimed absolute authority for his words. Disciples who ignore them risk his rejection and exclusion from God’s Kingdom – Matthew 7:21-28.
“I never knew you! Depart from me!” These are the most frightening words we could possibly hear on the lips of Jesus, yet they are central to the conclusion of his ‘Sermon on the Mount.’ His discourse was never a program for governing civil society, but instructions to us, his disciples, on how we must live as faithful citizens of his Kingdom and representatives of his Gospel.
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[Photo by Jonathan Bean on Unsplash] |
Christ’s teachings are not optional. He gave us a stern warning. Disobeying or ignoring his words will result in catastrophe and attempts to circumvent them or dilute their meaning may end with the faithless disciple cast into “outer darkness.” Many individuals who ministered in his name will be driven from his presence:
- “Not every man who calls me ‘Lord’ will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, but only he who does the will of my Father <…> Many will say, ‘Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name did many works of power?’ Then will I confess to them, I never knew you! Depart from me, you workers of lawlessness!” - (Matthew 7:21-23).
Jesus did not classify those he rejected as pagans or purveyors of immorality. They even call him “Lord,” and they prophesy, exorcise demons, and perform many mighty deeds in his name. The emphasis is on the term “many,” the “many” things these workers of lawlessness do in Christ’s name. The warning is not just applicable to a tiny minority of disobedient believers but to all of us.
Not only did Jesus not acknowledge these disobedient men and women, but he also called them “Workers of Lawlessness.” On the day when he judges his people, he will command them to “depart” from his presence. Fortunately, Jesus provided us with an explanation of how one becomes a “Worker of Lawlessness” rather than his disciple:
- “Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be likened to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock; and the rain descended, and the streams came, and the winds blew, and rushed against that house, and it fell not; for it had been founded upon the rock. And everyone who hears these my words and does them not will be likened to a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand; and the rain descended, and the streams came, and the winds blew and lashed against that house, and it fell, and its fall was great” - (Matthew 7:24-27).
What determines whether a man enters the Kingdom of God is if he heeds the words of Jesus and does them. Both hearing and obeying are mandatory. The man who acts correctly on Christ’s words is “wise” and therefore welcomed into the Kingdom.
Which “words” or sayings did Jesus mean? In his concluding remarks, the “words” that matter are the ones recorded in his ‘Sermon on the Mount’ - all of them, and without exception. Thus, his disciple must live a life characterized by humility, hunger for righteousness, mercy, a pure heart, peacemaking, honest communications, and a willingness to endure unjust suffering - (Matthew 5:3-12).
We must be a light shining in a dark world. Not only are we forbidden to kill, but we must not harbor any anger for others. Forgiveness and reconciliation must be our priorities - (Matthew 5:13-26).
As his disciples, we must not lust after someone who is not our spouse. Rather than swear oaths, we are to speak plainly with true words - Let your “yea be yea, and nay, nay” - (Matthew 5:27-37).
To inherit the Kingdom, it is necessary to avoid retaliation and violence. We are called to love and do good to our “enemy.” By showing mercy to opponents, we will become “complete” just as our “Father in the Heavens” - (Matthew 5:44-48).
The man who seeks loopholes in the words of Jesus does not have the mind of a disciple and risks rejection by him. The true disciple will not do works of righteousness for the adulation and recognition of others. Hypocrisy is incompatible with following Jesus of Nazareth.
We must center our lives on the “Kingdom of God” and “lay up treasures in heaven” rather than in this world. Our allegiance to Jesus must be absolute, and we must stay on the narrow path rather than the “broad” and popular avenues of this age. Veering from the Way of the Crucified One may prove fatal - (Matthew 6:1-24, 7:1-6, 7:7-20).
Much is at stake in how we respond to Christ’s words. Men who do not heed and do them will be rejected. It is unwise to ignore his words, and foolish in the extreme to choose which sayings we will obey, and which ones we will ignore and twist.
Christ’s ‘Sermon on the Mount’ provides instructions and examples for how we must live regardless of the values, demands, and expectations of the surrounding culture. Many of his sayings are difficult to follow in this sinful world, and many theologians and Christians have worked diligently to domesticate and dilute them.
By claiming that “only he who hears these words of mine and does them will enter the Kingdom of God,” Jesus has placed absolute authority in his teachings, an authority that exceeds even that of the “Law” and the “Prophets.” We put ourselves in great peril if we ignore, modify, or refuse to obey them.
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- The Greater Moses - (In Matthew, Jesus is the Greater Moses who interprets the Law and the Prophets and brings God’s promises to fulfillment)
- The Law and Prophets - (Jesus came to fulfill all the things that were promised and foreshadowed in the Hebrew Scriptures, the Law and the Prophets)
- Perfected Disciples - (Mercy and love are defining characteristics of his disciples and reflect the true nature of his Father – Matthew 5:43-48)
- Mercy and Enemies - (How we react to hostility and persecution demonstrates exactly whose disciple we are, and whose kingdom we serve)
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